Save money

Contrary to popular belief, zero waste makes it possible to make savings! A zero-waste strategy is not just limited to food, it applies to all areas of our daily lives. Here is a summary of the potential savings associated to zero waste, by field:

Cooking & food:

  • Eat less meat, think about buying better quality meat or vegetable proteins such as white beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc.
  • Consume fewer processed products such as ready meals, etc.
  • Purchase local and seasonal products
  • Buy in bulk (packaging has its price)
  • Make a shopping list to avoid too buying too much food which will end up in the bin
  • Try left-over recipes (such as the vegetable-peel pesto or vegetable-peel broth , etc.)
  • Try end-of-market produce and take advantage of discounts or even unsold donations

Hygiene and maintenance:

  • Make homemade products: save up to 80% to 95% in comparison to ready-made products (source: Far Waste)
  • Buy in bulk: save up to 10% and 40% compared to packaged products. (Source: Far Waste)
  • Soap and shampoo bar (1 soap/shampoo bar = 2 bottles of shower gel/shampoo)



Béa Johnson affirms in her book “Zero waste, 100 tips to reducing your waste” that by combining these different tips, her family were able to save up to 40% of their annual household budget (food + clothes + hygiene + miscellaneous purchases). When it comes to food, the savings may not be directly visible, especially when switching from purchasing products from conventional agriculture to organic products.